ASPMN ’s Director of Government Affairs keeps us informed of bills and policies that matter most. A Washington presence ensures that pain management issues are heard and represented when bills and regulations are proposed or amendments to them are suggested. We use our governmental affairs program to educate Congress, and the Administration on all of our issues. Additionally, we further use it to ensure that we are also represented in issues of importance to our field that arise in the states.


National Pain Strategy

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today released a National Pain Strategy, outlining the federal government’s first coordinated plan for reducing the burden of chronic pain that affects millions of Americans. The National Pain Strategy is a roadmap toward achieving a system of care in which all people receive appropriate, high quality and evidence-based care for pain. Please share within your networks as appropriate.

National Pain Strategy Press Release

HHS Pain Task Force Report


CDC Draft Opioid Prescribing Guidelines

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) held a webinar on Wednesday, September 16, on Opioid Prescribing Guidelines. During this webinar they released draft recommendations. The following are the slides that include those recommendations.

Update November, 2022

CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain

CDC Draft Opioid Rx Guidelines Webinar Slides

Update February 17, 2016.

CDC Draft Opioid Rx Guidelines
Current CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain

NIH Heal Initiative

The document can be found here.

ASPMN Statement of Support

A Call to Revolutionize Pain Care in America

WHO Guidelines – ASPMN Comment May 12, 2021

The document can be found here.

Advance Copy of Opioid Declaration Fact Sheet Available

The link below is an advanced copy of the fact sheet for the President’s announcement regarding the opioid crisis.

Fact Sheet Opioid Declaration 10-26-2017

The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis released their final report on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. The document can be found here.

ASPMN Letter To Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration

Click here to view letter

ASPMN Sends Letter to Health Canada Regarding Abuse Deterrent Drugs

Click here for the letter

Role of a Pain Management Nurse



Wade Delk

ASPMN Government Affairs Director


Current Issues

Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act S.2922/H.R.7164

SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act S.3393


Organizational Advocacy Statements

This year ASPMN ’s Government Affairs/Advocacy Committee began work on a series of organizational advocacy statements around current issues of importance to pain management. Internally we all know that ASPMN®’s members have a wealth of knowledge in the field of pain management, but we need to make sure everyone knows it. These papers are intended to give elected officials, media, and other interested parties a snapshot of our expertise on topics of national interest, and to invite them to engage us in more in-depth conversations.

1. Statement on the Use of Medical Marijuana

2. Multimodal Therapies to Manage Pain – More than Just Opioids

3. Statement on Abuse Deterrent Formulations

4. Statement on Nurses’ Use of Integrative Therapies for Pain

5. Statement Regarding the Use of Opioids for Chronic Pain While Preventing Abuse and Diversion

6. In Defense of Education

7. Nursing Ranked as the Most Trusted Profession for 22nd Year in a Row

ASPMN Legislative Toolkit now available!

If you have suggestions to include in the toolkit, please contact Wade Delk.